Thursday, March 14, 2013

Why are women so oppressed and looked down upon in the media. Why is it a universal discrimination against women. A woman is often viewed as to have little or no purpose in life except for having babies and sex. However, in the last era, this downgrading idea has been proved wrong as today more women are college graduates than men. However, even so as women make 51% of the population, we only hold 16% of congress seats and men make up to 84%. Although us women have gone a long way yet we are still looked down upon by men, which is very frustrating because men would not be here if it wasn't for us women.

Attack on Feminism

Who's really to blame though on all this discrimination that us women face. Why are we facing discrimination when men cannot even exist without women. Women  today have proven to go school, work, have children, take care of the house,  they're always on the go multitasking and successful, whereas what does a man do? Work, just work. This is absolutely not an attack on men, however, men need to recognize our existing as equally. "Ads portray women as sex objects or mindless domestics pathologically obsessed with cleanliness. Women are constantly held to this unrealistic standard of beauty. If they fail to attain it, they are led to feel guilty and ashamed. Cultural ideology tells women that they will not be desirable to, or loved by, men unless they are physically perfect." (Cortese, constructed bodies)

Kilbourne makes a very valid point in "cutting girls down" In ad after ad girls are urged to be "barely there" beautiful but silent..."Make a statement without saying a word" says an ad for perfume. And indeed this is one of the primary messages of the culture to adolescent girls. "The silence of a look can reveal more than words," says another perfume ad, and a clothing ad says,"Classic is speaking your mind (without saying a word)." An ad for lipstick says, "Watch your mouth, young lady,"while one for nail polish says, "let your fingers do the talking," and one for hairspray promises "hair that speaks volume" In another ad, a young woman's turtleneck is pulled over her mouth. And an ad for a movie soundtrack features a chilling image of a young woman with hips sewn together. It is not only the girls themselves who see these images, of course. Their parents and teachers and doctors see them and they influence their sense of how girls should be.

Patriarchy is a very serious issue in Advertisement, in almost all ads you see men dominate andobjectify women and it automatically makes it look like a woman is part of a man's possession and therefore promotes man's dominance over women which leads to violence and abuse against us. In this Budweiser picture ad below we see that the woman become an object, she is portrayed in a sexual sense next to the Bud light bottle attracting male viewers to buy this brand since they are associating it with analmost naked woman. By turning a women into a sexual object they are limiting her cognitive process to solely judging her a woman's only use is for sexual desires and domestic purposes. There is absolutely no need to advertise an almost naked women next to the bud light bottle. 

Bell Hooks makes a very valid statement in "Feminist Manhood" that true love cannot exist between a man and a woman if there's no respect involved in the relationship and or the relationship is solely 
based on fear. "When I was a girl, my father was respected as the patriarchal provider and protector in our family. And he was feared. That ability to inspire fear was to him the sign of real manhood. Even though the knowledge that our dad could take care of his own was comforting, the moment he unleashed that will to do violence on us - his loved ones- we lost him. We were left
with just our fears and the knowledge that there was no emotional connection great enough to soothe and transform our father's violence, to keep him connected."

"As long as men dominate women, we cannot have love between us. That love and domination can 
coexist is one of the most powerful lies patriarchy tells us all. Most men and women continue to believeit, but in truth, love transforms dominations. when men do the work of creating selves outside the 
patriarchal box, they create the emotional awareness needed for them to learn love. Feminism makes it possible for women and men to know love."

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