Tuesday, March 26, 2013

The Social Media Epidemic: THE TAKEOVER


      For my project, I want to discuss each social network site such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. and how it becomes an addiction that ends up controlling our lives.  Before I get into the actual studies conducted by various authors and professors, I want to discuss personal issues that I have both experienced for myself and have heard happen to others. 

      First off, social media websites are becoming the number one issue ripping relationships and even marriages apart.  Privacy has become a thing of the past.  Documenting your every move, every emotion, every meal you eat, has become the norm.  If we don’t share every single detail with the world of what we're doing, we feel as if our actions have no meaning.  Second, I want to look into how social networks are affecting people in both the work place and in the classroom.  It is becoming impossible to sit through a whole day of work or a lecture without glancing at your phone to check Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter.  

I want to target the younger generation ( mid-teens and twenty’s) because they are the most active on these social networks.  I plan to show various videos that demonstrate why people use social networks.  Is it to 1) gain popularity? 2) prove a point? 3) boost self esteem?  I want to show both the pros and cons of being active on social networks.   


"Here Comes Everybody"-- Clay Shirky
"Alone Together"-- Sherry Turkle
"The Pros and Cons of Social Networking"
"Social Media Workplace Cool or Ultimate Firing Tool?"-- David Goehst
"Is Social Media Destroying Real World Relationships?-- Sam Laird

1 comment:

  1. I think being in my late twenties and seeing facebook evolve and my friends evolve(by creating alias) or get rid of it for their careers(myself included),seeing why younger people are so attracted to it and the first facebookers are leaving is something to think about.


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