Thursday, March 28, 2013

Semester Project

I've decided to create a PSA film that revolves around the issue of self identity and image. There will be various individuals documented from all over the country; they simply look straight into the camera, at their audiences, after I ask them to do nothing but act as themselves. To smile. To dance. To do what they feel defines them comfortably as a human being. Throughout the piece, a narrator will ask questions like "what does it mean to be beautiful? Is beauty purely subjective? What does it take to be happy?" An example of a scenario would be: 

NARRATOR: Is this what love looks like?
(shot of an interracial couple holding hands)
NARRATOR: Or is this what love looks like?
 (shows two men holding hands). 

The piece will explore the intricate differences, as well as similarities, between all human beings (going beyond the superficiality). I want to execute the piece with a very particular stylistic approach, but my primary goal is to provide content that sticks with my audience rather than just impress them with visuals.

I was inspired by a close friend's recent documentary showreel, that depicted various individuals from around the world. Each subject was closely analyzed and interviewed, and (as both a an aspiring filmmaker and audience member) I was enthralled to discover how individuals from such different situations could face such similar life challenges. 

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