For my topic
I choose the evolution of the perfect 10 and how different stereotypes have
defined women’s beauty over the years. What women had to do to be the perfect
ten has changed and still continues to change future female generations. The
perfect ten has become a phenomenon for our society today because of the
promotion of shows like “The Jersey Shore” a show that focuses mainly on looks
and public acceptance and “Toddlers and Tiaras” a series that sends a message
to little girls of the importance of perfection through beauty. However, the
statement “perfect 10” began long ago and increasingly progressed in each era.

To commence, some of the first sex
symbols were animated creations of sexual desire. For example, one of the first
sex symbols was actually during the Great Depression and she was Betty Boop.
However, there were other non-animated sex symbols like Josephine Baker an
entertainer and Jean Harlow a famous film actress. Advertisers have played an
enormous role for creating this so-called “perfect 10” they have created ads
that only focus on appearance through images and publicized a stereotypical
As a woman, I can understand the struggles for the perfect ten. There's no way for anybody to be the perfect ten without photoshop or surgery. I find your project really interesting and can't wait to see how its presented.