Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Semester Project: Pretty Fierce Magazine

Pretty Fierce magazine is a sports magazine for women that is made to empower, relate, and encourage young girls, teenagers and grown women to be proud of who they are as athletes and females.  Being an athlete is always a challenge dealing with regular life: family, friends, school, love life and then mixing and trying to balance in sport life: games, practices, coaches, teammates, winning, losing.  It takes a special type of girl to be able to do all these things although at times things may get stressful and issues may come up, it's comforting to know that you are not alone.  The main goal of this magazine is getting female athletes comfortable in their own skin.  Their is a identity crisis that goes on with young girls of either being to masculine or to girly; but the fact of the matter is that there should not be a crisis, athletes should be able to take any form they want and all that should matter is playing your sport and playing it to the best of your ability.

                                                       HOW FIERCE ARE YOU?

Here's the link to my online magazine: http://issuu.com/imkendralamar/docs/my_project_5_


1."Women in Sports: Sex Objects, Mothers, or Too "Manly" to Count":

2. "Female Body Image and the Mass Media: Perspectives on How Women Internalize the Ideal Beauty Standard": http://www.westminstercollege.edu/myriad/index.cfm?parent=2514&detail=4475&content=4795

3. "Female Star Comes Out as Gay, and Sports World Shrugs":

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