Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Fast Food In Our Generation

Fast Food is everywhere, it is cheap and guess what else?

Pretty bad for every single person who eats it, not to mention the animals that don´t even have a saying.

This project shows my opinion regarding Fast Food and it´s negative consequences when it comes to health, and also animals.
In every post I made sure, and will keep doing it, that there are facts and statistics that support my point of view.

Just because it looks good, does not mean it actually is.

Here is the link to my blog about Fast Food

Fast Food "it´s easy, it´s filling, and it´s convenient and it´s inexpensive" (Eric Schlosser)

Here is a link to an interview with Eric Schlosser about Fast Food Nation:

These two pictures are interconnected because the "Happy" Meal at McDonald´s might not even make you as happy as you think it will, when you have to make appointments for the doctor more often, pay more of those (unnecessary) medical bills, notice that you and/or your family is becoming so unhealthy that you won´t be able to enjoy life because one of the priorities will be your health issues attained thanks to Fast Food!

Not only are diet-related health conditions a problem thanks to Fast Food and its over-consumption  but there are more negative effects of Fast Food on our health such as:

Cardiovascular disease
Liver disease
Type-2 diabetes

Can you look at this, stare at this and think that animals deserve to day in such a vast amount everyday, every hour, for your satisfaction?

I don´t think so.

It is not only about the way animals are being kept and then killed for our food, but it is the way we let things become like this. Having to produce so much just so people can have meat 3, 4 or even 5 times a day.

How crazy is that???????

There are so many consequences that come with this exaggerated mass production of meat in the U.S. and this is just one:

Be conscious about what you eat, think about where it comes from, question the companies that supply this food you consume everyday, think critically (that´s what we learn in college!) and don´t just eat whatever is given to you!

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